Branch Staff

The branch has an experienced team of staff who can provide information and advice to members and stewards.

They can be reached on 020 7729 4001 or email

Who are they?

Gordon Calliste and Yusra Ali are our full-time Branch Caseworkers. They are supported by a part-time caseworker, Greta Farian. The caseworkers deal with cases from members who do not have workplace representatives at their employer to whom they can turn to for assistance locally.

Our members work across a large number of sites or sometimes work alone visiting the people that they support, so do not always have easy access locally to a Unison representative in their workplace.

Anita Fakhri is the Branch Administrator. She deals with membership queries, stewards training, finance issues and day-to-day running of the office and will often be your first point of contact with the branch.

Most advice is given on the telephone or by email, email being our preferred method of communication, ensuring that we obtain from members an accurate outline of their issues. Our branch organisers are often out of the office representing members at hearings. Branch staff can access further legal advice if needed from our regional office if required.

The branch is supported at regional level by a Regional Organiser, who can refer cases to UNISON solicitors for legal advice. They also support and advise our stewards.