Why Does UNISON have Retired Members?
Before you retired, UNISON provided the best representation and support at work when you needed it and a wide range of other services. Now that you are retired we believe you deserve to continue to go on benefiting from union membership and be able to play an active role in the union.
A trade union should reflect the society in which it operates and there are over 10 million older people living in the UK.
Take Part in UNISON’s Democracy
You can participate in the democratic structures of the union. UNISON is unique in the trade union movement in having a Retired Member’s Organisation, whose structures miorror that of working members. That means you can play a role in UNISON’s democratic machinery at all levels.
Retired members can attend branch meetings and have representation on the Branch Committee and Regional Council. They also send representatives to the National Delegate Conference. A National Retired Members’ Committee meets regularly and is able to feed its views to the NEC and the rest of UNISON.
A Retired Members conference is held annually, where retired members can debate the issues of importance to them and submit two motions for the agenda of National Delegate conference.
UNISON retired members enjoy all the benefits of UNISON membership including:
Legal advice
Welfare support
Special discounts and offers on a wide range of financial and other services.
Retired Membership
Retired membership costs just £15 for life. Just send a cheque to the Branch Office.
If you decide to start work again after you have retired remember to tell us, you will need to start paying subscriptions again, if you want to be covered in your new job.